Ghost of an old woman watching over five-year-old boy learning to ride a bike

A mom caught the "phantom of an elderly woman" watching her child as he figured out how to ride his bicycle and it's very alarming. 

Mum Louise Lenton caught the spooky film at Oldway Mansion, in Paignton, Devon, England. The house goes back to the nineteenth century. In the video, her five-year-old child is seen doing laps around the auto stop. This occurred at 5pm on Sunday.

As the boy rides his bike, the shape of a woman can be clearly seen in the window of the first floor, watching the boy. Louise, who is sceptical about the paranormal, said she "cannot explain" the appearance of the woman, who she describes as "wearing period dress."

Louise said: "My partner and I had split off, with him going to walk the dogs on the fields and I took our little boy to the car park to practise riding his bike. The car park is flat and perfect to do it. I was just filming him and that was it. It wasn't until I was home and in bed watching the film back when I noticed it. I was like 'oh my gosh!' and my partner could not explain it. Neither of us know what this is.

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