Problems in relationship And how to resolve them

Your problem is how you feel about certain choices she might make -- talking
to other guys, having male friends, looking at other guys, whatever it is.
The root of the problem is that you just
doesn't like feeling jealous and the little voice inside you head is saying "does she
like him more than me?". But if you took a second to really look at those feelings,
you'd realize neither of those things make any sense. Feelings are emotional,
the opposite of logical. And if you're dating a girl, you're dating each other
because there's a connection. And if there isn't one, it's not worth dating
them anyway, and then you let them go be with someone they want to be with,
because that relationship won't be good for you.
We can't live our lives allowing the fear of
"maybe" to control us, and then try to control other people based on that tiny
fear, too. That's an irresponsible and weak way of
dealing with your problems. If you want to make the relationship
work, you need to understand that distinction.
Nobody wants to have problems, especially problems that they have to
change or work on. But in order for a
relationship to actually work, you have to constantly analyze what you're
feeling, allow yourself to be in that moment of discomfort, and trust her.
Trust that she'll make the right choice. Trust that she cares about you enough
not to do something wrong. Realize that limiting people is a selfish thing, and it         
puts your needs ahead of theirs. Realize that enforcing your will on her destroys
your relationship with her. Realize that trust is what builds relationships.
Realize that trust is sometimes uncomfortable, but you won't die from
discomfort. It gets easier and easier as your relationship builds.
Sometimes your partner will violate your trust and do something you think is
wrong. Realize then that you need to form an agreement about what is right,
and again, she deserves a say. She deserves happiness. Compromise.
Compromise will always be uncomfortable for both parties. And
again, realize that you won't die from discomfort. Realize that that compromise
will help build your relationship higher. Trust is the more effective alternative to
restriction. Nurture trust. Your relationship will grow. You will be much

happier, and so will your relationship.

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