Resolving Arguments With your spouse

Arguing with your girlfriend can be an emotional drain and physically tiring. It is no fun to be around her when most of your interactions lead to an argument. You may find yourself spending less time with her or avoiding her to prevent arguments. But you can learn to successfully resolve arguments and have a happier and healthier relationship. In the heat of an argument, it can be easy to say

something that you don't mean. Physically
separating for a period of time can help you both
calm down. For
example, when you recognize that an argument is
getting out of hand, tell her, "I need to step away
from this discussion for now and will revisit it
once my anger is gone." Once you are both calm,
you will be better capable of listening and
prepared to settle the disagreement.

Unclear communication can result in an
argument. The ability to deal with a situation in
a constructive way may help prevent an
argument, says Barton Goldsmith.Clearly communicating can help prevent
misunderstandings. Listen to your girlfriend's
point of view without interrupting. Do not raise
your voice.

All relationships have conflict and it is easy to
blame your partner.
Rather than say to your
girlfriend, "You always share personal information
about me with your friends," say,
 "I feel hurt that
you share private information about me with your
I'd appreciate it if you would keep my
personal information confidential."
 Your girlfriend will feel less defensive, according to "When Words
Wound: Solving Conflict Without Hurting Your
Forgive Each Other
Forgiveness is imperative, otherwise emotional
hurt can continue after an argument, if you and your girlfriend
get into an argument because she thought you
were flirting with another girl, the anger will
continue until she chooses to forgive you and
move on. If the anger continues, the same
argument will keep repeating itself. If you and
your girlfriend continue to argue, even after trying
to stop, you may need to decide if your
relationship is worth continuing. Let all move world of relationship a better place to be. Thanks for reading this article.

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