Ways to prevent trust from ruining your Relationship

I know how easy it is for your emotions to get the best of you sometimes. You're jealous, you're upset, you feel inferior somehow to someone else, you're afraid of losing her. But setting limits or trying to force your will on her causes all kinds of very complicated problems that are often worse than just trusting her to do
the right thing on her own. It makes for a very unhealthy relationship.

Who decides what's unhealthy?

                 Well, relationships can and should be a place where two people feel like they're both mutually benefitting from the relationship. It means you accept that person for who they really are, without
limits, without restricting their behavior.
If you're trying to restrict their behavior, you're not accepting them for the beautiful person they are. 
We can't impose our will on someone every time they do something that
makes us feel jealous or sad or angry. That's not rational behavior, and it's selfish. It puts our desires ahead of theirs, and upsets the balance of relationships. 
It's easy to put our comfort first. That's what you do when you allow your insecurities to influence the bond you and your partner share and the way you interact with one another. Realize that those feelings are a part of being human , whether you're in or out of a relationship. 
We can't set limits on every person that makes us feel jealousy or anger or sadness. That's not the way
the world works. Imagine if you tried to set limits on your friends, your boss, your acquaintances,
or a family member. Imagine you tried to tell your friend not to hang out with your other friend because you were jealous that they were spending time with someone that wasn't you.
Are you kidding me? They would wonder what the hell is wrong with you! So why do we force our will on our partners? Because they love us and want us to be happy, and that gives us power over them.

What about THEM?

 What about what their happiness, their feelings, their wants andneeds? Do restrictions that limit your freedom make YOU happy? Probably not. It
probably makes you feel a little uncomfortable, and the person whose
rules you have to follow probably starts to feel more like a dictator or a burden to you
than a person you can grow and experience
life with. That's what you do to another person
when you try to limit their freedom because of your own jealousy.
Relationships are about trust, respect, give and take. Working together to
encourage each other to be the best person, nurturing that person's
individuality as they nurture yours. This will basically keep you on the track and not by it.

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